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Do You Share Your Work Using Facebook Groups?

Why not check out these writing Facebook groups. Share your work using Facebook groups and get more views. Photo by author

Writing a Book for Charity

 Have you ever written a book for charity? Photo by Ian Schneider on  Unsplash · Is it a good idea? · Would it sell? · But what kind of book could you write for charity? · A passionate poetry book for cancer research · Cancer research page · Conclusion

Increase Traffic to Your Blog and Make Money

Have you ever started a blog and wondered why you aren't receiving that many visitors?  Do you want to make money from your blog?

Publish Your Articles or Poetry on Vocal Media and Earn Money

  I bet you are wondering if you can earn money on Vocal Media. This is another site I have started writing for. You can earn money publishing your articles there! Give it a try. Read on to find out more...

Get Paid to Write Song Reviews

Photo credit: Denise James - Adam Levine on screen at the Maroon 5 concert in London UK.  Would you like to write song reviews, tv reviews and commercial reviews online and be paid for each one?  Well, now you can! Read on to learn more...

Engaging Content to Consider When Writing from Experience

Which topics do you write about? Have you considered writing from personal experience? You could write content on topics that are regularly searched for online. The Skinny is Best blog and The Skinny is Best Kindle Book

Five Make Money Writing Online Youtube Videos

If you want to learn how to make money writing online watch the following Youtube videos. New York - photo by Denise James

What Must You Do If You Can't Write?

Do we do something else until we feel we can write again? Flickr

Get Paid to Write for Websites

Photo credit: Denise Larkin Do you enjoy writing? Would you like to write for a website? Find out more below...